It's time to move.

A fun, flexible and easy way to stay active. Replace New Year's resolutions with a sustainable movement habit.

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Based on reviews by 30+ members

Unlock Your Full Potential with Behale Adventures

Discover the world of Adventures. Fun, flexible, and progress-based activities designed by experts to help you achieve your wellness goals anywhere, at your own pace.

  • Flexible

    Adapt your sessions to your schedule and your needs. Reschedule any session when things come up.

  • Easy

    Adventures are designed to be accessible for all levels, especially beginners, and to progress at your own pace.

  • Fun

    Adventures are designed to be fun and engaging. You'll look forward to your next session.

  • Adapted to your Progress

    Adventures have different levels and phases to challenge you and track your progress.

  • Anywhere

    Adventure activities can be done at home, in the park, or at the gym, making them accessible to everyone.

  • Made with Experts

    Adventures are designed with the help of a diverse group of wellness experts from physios, to dietitians, to yoga instructors.

Movement made simple. Motivation not required.

There are soo many fitness apps, videos, influencers, etc. out there. Yet, it's harder than ever to keep an exercise habit. Especially when you don't have time. Behale makes staying on the move so easy, you don't need to rely on your willpower anymore.

Integrate your Calendar
Integrate to your calendar and never miss a session.
Calendar overview

Dynamic agenda made for busy schedules

Be ready when the unpredictable happens. Our calendar integrations make it intuitive to plan ahead.

Choose Your Own Adventure
An evergrowing collection of adventures for everyone
Protect your Lower Back6 weeks
Athletic boost8 weeks
Body recomposition8 weeks

Adventures made just for you

Whether it’s a weekend tennis or a HIIT workout, your agenda takes everything into account. Our recommendations include the perfect amount of cardio, strength and mobility session for your goal.

Talk to your Coach
Empathy is our core value. We're here to help you move.
Chat Overview

Human Empathy > Artificial Intelligence

Did you miss a workout? That's okay! Our coaches and specialists keep you moving despite the bumps in the road. It's not about feeling guilty, it's about moving forward.


Find Your Perfect Plan

Behale offers a range of plans to help you achieve your fitness goals, no matter your experience level.


Build Your Own Movement Routine

Free forever

Perfect for those who already know how to train and just need a little guidance.

  • Access to the Open Movement library of videos.
  • Plan your own workouts with the Movement Agenda.
  • Track your progress and movement
  • Access to starter adventures.


Most Popular

Fun and Flexible Way to Get Moving

12,99€/ month

Perfect for those who want to get moving but don't know where to start.

  • All features in the Community plan
  • Unlimited access to all movement adventures
  • Google Calendar integration
  • 24/7 chat with a dedicated coach


Unlock Your Full Potential

35,99€/ month

Perfect for those who need a little extra help to stay on track.

  • All features in the Hero plan
  • Fully personalized adventure created with a coach
  • Monthly progress check-in
  • Monthly 1-on-1 video call with a wellness specialist (Fitness, Yoga, Diet, Physio)

Join the global movement with Behale

Hundreds of members have moved their way to healthier, happier and more relaxed self.